Increasing infiltration

Szántóföldi agrárerdészet

Az Ökoház Farm 2015-ben fogott bele látványos eredményeket hozó agrárerdészeti projektjébe, amelynek keretében az ipari és energetikai célú császárfa ültetvényt fás sávos köztesműveléssel társították, és fokhagymát termesztettek a fák árnyékában. 

A gazdálkodók az interneten történő kutatással, majd az AGFOSY projektbe történő bekapcsolódásuk során szereztek információt az agrárerdészetben rejlő lehetőségekről. Később alapító tagjai voltak az Agroerdészeti Civil Társaságnak, amelyen keresztül kapcsolatba kerültek az Európai Agroerdészeti Szövetséggel (EURAF) és a H2020 AFINET...

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Triple infiltration basin and greenery regeneration in the square of Oblęgorska / Widok Street in Łódź (Poland)

The final look of the ATENAS square. 

An implementation focused on combining blue and green infrastructure, with predominant use of native species and minimizing maintenance effort.

Key aims:

  • demonstrate the integration of blue solutions into green design;
  • create a pilot implementation of the infiltration basin as an example of best practice and a source of know-how;
  • build the trust in NBS;
  • initiate the restoration of water cycle in the Łódka River catchment.

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    To Ally Technology, Nature and Society for integrated urban water management: ATENAS

    ATENAS project logo

    AteNas is built around  3 demonstration sites, covering urban and periurban zones of Łódź, Lyon and Vantaa/Helsinki and sharing the challenge of enabling water to citizens and nature, both in terms of quality and quantity.

    Utilize of cities water resources to secure regulating ecosystem services, enable Nature-Based Solutions, and enhance adaptive capacity to global changes.

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    UNaLab - Bioswale, Genoa, Italy

    UNaLab Bioswale

    The city of Genoa experiences acute densification and lack of public green spaces, making urban heat stress a pronounced challenge. Air pollution and biodiversity loss are among the other challenges Genova targeted to address through NBS implementation.

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    UNaLab - Urban street greening, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

    UNaLan Urban greening

    Several streets around the Eindhoven city centre (Waagstraat, Bilderdijklaan, Willemstraat, H. Boexstraat and Dommelstraat) have been rehabilitated and nature-based solutions such as bioswales and street trees have been introduced to address existing problems with heat stress and flooding, and to enhance biodiversity and attractiveness for pedestrians and cyclists.

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    UNaLab - Clausplein, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

    UNaLab  Clausplein

    The previously stone-covered Clausplein square is located in a dense urban area in the city centre of Eindhoven and is greatly affected by extreme weather events. After reconstruction, the square has become a small urban park with an underground water retention basin. 

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    UNaLab - Vestdijk, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

    UNaLab Vestdijk

    Vestdijk has been transformed from a busy grey street mostly used by cars into an urban boulevard - creating more space for pedestrians and cyclists, targeting urban heat and air quality. The street now features more green areas such as street trees, rain gardens, and green strips with perennials and mixed grasses.

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