It is easy to write off time in nature where technology is present. But in a world that’s locked into screens, reigniting the flame of our intrinsic love and need for nature may require technology. Hosted by the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform's Community Ambassadors Shirley Gleeson (NbS for Health and Wellbeing, Ecowellness Consulting) and Dr. Nadina Galle (Smart Tech for NbS), this 1-hour interactive webinar explores the intersection of nature, mental health, and technology.
They will be joined by front-running innovators in the field including Dr. Matthew Zylstra from NatureFix, an app providing geolocated, nature-based wellness routines, and Jared Hanley, founder and CEO of NatureQuant, the makers of NatureDose™, the leading personalized nature prescription app which monitors your time inside, outside, and exposed to nature.
Together, we explore how technology can help make nature exposure a daily practice for a longer, healthier, and even happier life.