Hedonic property pricing
Mitigation cost-based valuation methods are a group of valuation methods that use the cost of actual measures to maintain ecosystem service provision as a proxy for the value of avoiding, mitigating or restoring the loss of services ecosystems provide.
Taking real steps in virtual nature: a randomized blinded trial
Studies show that green exercise (i.e., physical activity in the presence of nature) can provide benefits of both physical exercise and nature exposure. The present study aimed to investigate the extent to which virtual green exercise may extend these benefits to people that are unable to engage in
Strategy Dashboard
Discussion tool to facilitate constructive discussion within expert groups.
Science-based ecosystem restoration for the 2020s and beyond
The documenti presents recommendations of the Science Task Force (STF) of the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration, led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and comprised of leading subject experts as specific actions to be undertaken by public and private stakeholders to
Report on Cultivating Cities' Challenge Workshops, Urban Morphology and SWOT analyses
The Challenge Workshop in each cultivating city was the first opportunity for different stakeholders to come together to get to know each other and to learn about GoGreenRoutes. During the Challenge Workshop, stakeholders were invited to create a vision for the upcoming seedbed and NBS
Nature Value Explorer The Flemish government recognises the importance of these ecosystem services (ESS). The manual and easy to apply tool uses pragmatic methods to value ecosystem services in rural and urban environments. The tool helps everyone (land managers, planners, national and
Carbon Farming for Climate, Nature, and Farmers report
The EU is promoting carbon farming as a new business model to deliver climate action in agriculture. To ensure the EU harnesses the full win-win-win potential of carbon farming, the EEB sets out the concrete solutions carbon farming should prioritise, and makes five key recommendations in this
VÍZGAZDÁLKODÁS: Dombvidéki természetalapú vízmegtartási megoldások
A Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Kiadványsorozatában megjelent mérnöki útmutató egy segédlet a települési szintű klíma adaptációhoz. A szöveg összegyűjti és rendszerezni azokat a fogalmakat és ismereteket, amik szükségesek a települési szintű vízgazdálkodási rendszerek kialakításához. Bemutatja a
Infographic: Horizon2020 Nature-based Solutions Projects
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are inspired and supported by nature, they are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience; such solutions bring more, and more diverse, nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes
JECAMI (Joint Ecological Continuum Analysing and Mapping Initiative - on ecological connectivity)
JECAMI is an online application that facilitates the analysis of ecological connectivity in the European alpine region. Zoom to your area of interest and discover the values of different connectivity indicators in the Layers menu. If you have a kml layer of your area, just upload it to the CSI
The Isar Restoration in Munich - A participatory climate change adaptation measure
The Isar river concept case is a 'retrospective case' focusing on NbS practices along the river Isar in Bavaria, Germany. Measures to reduce flood risk and improve the ecological state of the river and its immediate surroundings were taken several years ago and the previous Isar
The Little Book of Investing in Nature: A simple guide to financing life on Earth
The Little Book of Investing in Nature aims to energise that dialogue by clearly laying out options for financing biodiversity conservation. While some measures to protect biodiversity may come at an economic cost, others are likely to generate strong returns, economic and otherwise. This book
What socio-demographic characteristics of university students in Southern Germany predict their urban nature connectedness?
Promoting mental health addresses a global societal challenge. Nature connectedness, or relatedness to natural systems, is associated with increased well-being and mental health. This cross- sectional online study addressed this issue by identifying socio-demographic predictors of urban nature
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- Software
Emerging evidence suggests that greenspace, whether used for recreation or physical activity (i.e. ‘green exercise’), can improve mental health and wellbeing. Indeed, individuals who use greenspaces or engage in green exercise have less mental distress, less anxiety and depression and healthier
OPERAs D4.7 Implementation Guidance
The concepts of Ecosystem Services (ES) and Natural Capital (NC) hold a powerful potential to support more sustainable development, improve ecosystem restoration and conservation, provide nature-based solutions and improve the wellbeing of people. Harnessing this potential in support of policy
Phusicos NbS Governance Game
The newly developed PHUSICOS simulation is a serious game. It was developed as part of Work Package 6 on learning innovation and aims to simulate the complex governance setting of stakeholders. Serious games owe their name to the fact that they are designed with a purpose that goes beyond the
Cultural Ecosystem Services - URBES Factsheet #8
This factsheet illustrates how cultural ecosystem services offer a gateway to raising awareness of the wide range of ecosystem services provided by nature, their importance for quality of life and human health in cities, and their role in encouraging urban environmental stewardship.
Valuing Inclusion and Diversity, Embracing Uncertainty: Ways Forward for Nature-based Solutions
There is a growing consensus that working with nature can help to address the pressing interlinked climate and biodiversity challenges, whilst ensuring and enhancing human well-being. Though being driven primarily by climate change mitigation and increasingly adaptation, Nature-based Solutions (NbS
Governance innovation for nature-based solutions - PBF Workshop Summary 24 March 2020
The Policy Business Forum (PBF) consists of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) experts and knowledgeable stakeholders at the international, European, and national scale. The main aim of the PBF is to explore innovative ways to strengthen the science-policy-business nexus in order to exploit opportunities
The Cities and Biodiversity Outlook - URBES Factsheet #4
This Factsheet highlights some of the mian highlights from the Cities and Biodiversity Outlook - the first scientific assessment of how global urbanization trends affect biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics. It explains how biodiversity and ecosystem services can be managed and restored in
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