
  • Policy Brief

The Economic Value of Nature-Based Solutions in European Cities

Cities and regional governments are making critical contributions to sustainability and climate change, and are key sites of achieving the aims of the Convention on Biodiversity and the Green New Deal. This study demonstrates the economic value of nature-based solutions throughout Europe, in order


  • Document
  • Guidance

OpenNESS Synthesis paper: Thresholds, tipping points and limits

In the ecological literature the terms "threshold" and "tipping points" are often used synonymously. It is suggested to make a difference between the two here. The question of how different types of thresholds are related and how they can be detected or determined first requires


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OpenNESS Synthesis paper: Effectiveness

The ultimate goal for managing ecosystem services is contributing to human well-being. To analyse how this goal can effectively be achieved is a major task in OpenNESS.


  • Policy Brief

CONEXUS Policy Brief 8 -Localising the SDGs: The untapped potential of nature-based solutions in cities

This policy brief explores the potential of nature-based solutions (NbS) in cities to localise global sustainability goals and targets such as those enshrined in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It presents the methodology used in CONEXUS to capture policy-relevant evidence on the


  • Video

Kaunertal Valley field study - microbial assisted local seed mixtures to mitigate erosion on slopes

This video contains a visual explanation of the research work in Kaunertal Valley in the framework of the EU horizon 2020 PHUSICOS Project (PHUSICOS – ‘according to nature' solutions to reduce risks in mountain landscapes). Goal is to develop a height adapted and microbial assisted local seed


  • Document

Nature Based Solutions - Landslides Safety Measures

The report presents an overview of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) and their main applications to address climate-related challenges (temperature, floods, sea level rise, landslides, droughts) with a special emphasis on innovative physical measures for landslides mitigation.


  • Training

We Value Nature Training Resources

Many businesses are starting to recognise that the natural capital crisis is a business crisis and they need to better identify, measure, value and prioritise their impacts and dependencies. Managing your natural capital impacts and dependencies is a journey that can sometimes feel overwhelming


  • Dataset

The Copenhagen global avian distributional database

Distributional data for more than 10 000 species of birds for all land and non-pelagic species was mapped for each species at a resolution of 1x1 latitude-longitude grid cells.


  • Document
  • Guidance
  • Infographic
  • Report
  • Slides
  • Training

VÍZGAZDÁLKODÁS: Természetes vízmegtartó megoldások a települési klímaalkalmazkodásban

A 2018 és 2021 között megvalósult LIFE-MICACC projekt célja az önkormányzatok integráló és koordináló szerepének megerősítése az éghajlatváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodás érdekében, az alábbiakban közzétett tudásanyagok a projekt keretén belül készültek. Az anyagok első csoportja az önkormányzatoknak


  • Document

CONEXUS Policy Brief 6 - Moving towards greener cities: Strategies to develop green spaces in vulnerable neighbourhoods

This policy brief explores the pressing need to address the inequitable distribution of green spaces in cities. The core case study will be the experience of a pilot project in Conchalí, Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile, which offers insights on strategies to address the challenges to


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  • Product
  • Report


The City of Malaga is implementing measures to improve the environment and thus also improve the quality of life of its citizens. The city is exploring ways to restore an ecosystem damaged by the impact of economic activity and through the Connecting Nature project, learn more about the


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  • Paper
  • Report

An impact evaluation framework to support planning and evaluation of nature-based solutions projects

The European Commission requested the EKLIPSE project to help building up an evidence and knowledge base on the benefits and challenges of applying NbS. In response to the request, the EKLIPSE Expert Working Group on Nature‐based Solutions to Promote Climate Resilience in Urban Areas (EWG) devised


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  • Guidance

Water Management at Urban Areas

This learning scenario encourages students to learn and care about the importance of water management to tackle urban challenges such as floods and disruption of the water cycle in the urban environment via nature-based solutions (NbS). Through the activities, students will work as scientists


  • Infographic

Nature-based solutions Infographic

Developed as part of a brief on nature-based solutions, this infographic shows how nature-based solutions can deliver simultaneous multiple benefits.


  • Document

Understanding Stakeholder Values for Woodland Expansion - Briefing Note

Despite woodland expansion being advocated via a number of policy documents, barriers to woodland creation in Scotland remain. These include contested views about land use amongst multiple stakeholders, concerns around trade-offs with other land uses, and a lack of synergy between policies and


  • Document

Narrative Methods Factsheet

Narrative methods aim to understand and describe the importance of nature and its benefits to people with their own words. By using narrative methods we allow the research participants (residents of a certain place, users of a certain resource, or stakeholders of an issue) to articulate the plural


  • Guidance

Sub-urban Infrastructure Payments

Guidelines (including a toolkit) for estimating the funds needed for the development of primary and secondary infrastructure in sub-urban areas.


  • Report


This guide summarises the current best practice for how green infrastructure can reduce public exposure to air pollution in the urban environment. It has been produced in consultation with the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (University of Birmingham), the Global Centre for Clean Air


  • Training

Greenopolis: Educational platform about sustainable urban development, climate challenges and NbS

A learning platform about healthy and liveable cities. Your nature guide, e-Boti, introduces you to urban development, climate challenges, and nature-based solutions.


  • Video

PHUSICOS: Living Lab en Erill la Vall (Catalunya, España)

Do you know about the problem that the population of Erill la Vall in Catalonia faces? Are you interested in knowing more? Here you will be able to view explanations from PHUSICOS project experts and images about this erosive problem and the nature-based solutions designed to respond to it. The
