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PhusicosVR - NbS demonstrators in Virtual Reality

The H2020 project PHUSICOS focused on demonstration sites for NbS implementations to reduce hydrometrological risks in rural environments. These implementations are difficult enough to envision for professionals familiar with them, such as landscape architects and infrastructure engineers, but for


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QUICKScan is a tool to facilitate the decision process in participatory settings. By including stakeholder knowledge and preferences and the ability to calculate impacts in-situ, QUICKScan combines tacit expert knowledge with available spatially-explicit monitoring and statistical and uses


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Planning and delivering Nature-based Solutions in Mediterranean cities. Summary for policy-makers

This document higlights key findings from the report "Planning and delivering Nature-based Solutions in Mediterranean cities. First assessment of the IUCN NbS Global Standard in Mediterranean urban areas", and should be read in conjunction with the full report. References to research and


  • Guidance


This Guidebook introduces what co-production is: a novel governance method for developing nature-based solutions where there are a lot of actors (individuals, groups or organisations) involved. Co-production is about collaboration, empowerment, and producing shared results, such as policies and


  • Infographic

Innovating with Nature: Nature-based solutions

This infographic shows how nature-based solutions can play an important role in solving several of the challenges that our society is living nowadays, such as: Climate change and energy, Unsustainable and unhealthy cities or degradation of ecosystems.


  • Guidance

Guidelines for Climate Impact and Vulnerability Assessments Recommendations of the Interministerial Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change of the German Federal Government

These guidelines of the Interministerial Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change of the German Federal Government (IMA Adaptation) provide methodological recommendations for the execution of climate impact and vulnerability assessments at regional and national level. They are intended to


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Case Studies on Adaptation and Climate Resilience in Schools and Educational Settings

Educational institutions can play an instrumental role in local level climate adaptation and resilience building. They create spaces for peer learning, innovative ideas, community awareness, and implement practical solutions. Sharing knowledge, best practices and concrete experiences on how to


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CONEXUS Policy Brief 5 - Green corridors to connect urban ecosystems

This policy brief presents contributions from the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The city is pursuing the establishment of green corridors as a strategy to reverse the negative effects of urbanisation processes. This brief presents the Municipal Plan for Protected Areas, Green Areas and Open Spaces (


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CONEXUS Policy Brief 4 - Nature-based strategies to improve livability and enhance ecosystems in vulnerable areas

Many Latin American cities face similar sustainability challenges due to informal urban expansion processes in environmentally vulnerable areas, resulting in increased social and ecological vulnerabilities. This policy brief presents the experience of the Independencia Green Belt in Lima, Peru. It


Coniferous woodland with trees and bare trunks
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Common Action Plan on clustering activities D1.3

This deliverable presents a summary of planned joint activities among the cluster of projects funded under the EU Horizon call H2020 SC5-14-2019 (Visionary and integrated solutions to improve well-being and health in cities).


  • Report

Launch of the TeAM Hub - the Hungarian NetworkNature Hub for Nature-based solutions

This report provides a summary of the main outcomes of the launch event of TeAM Hub, the Hungarian NetworkNature Hub for nature-based solutions. The event gathered primarily local authorities reflecting their crucial role in promoting the widespread uptake of nature-based solutions as catalysts for


  • Policy Brief

Design Brief 1- Biodiversity-positive Design in Urban Areas with NbS: Approaches

This NetworkNature design brief series, the first of its kind, comprises three design briefs on biodiversity-positive design recommendations for urban and peri-urban areas with nature-based solutions. The series, developed with support of IFLA Europe, presents simple design suggestions for


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Climate Justice for People and Nature through Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A focus on the Global South

The FEBA Urban EbA Working Group, coordinated by PlanAdapt and IUCN, has published the joint technical paper "Climate Justice for People and Nature through Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A focus on the Global South". The paper explores the contribution of EbA to climate justice in


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Urban agriculture - URBES Facthseet #7

This factsheet will explain the importance of urban agriculture: the ecosystem services that urban agriculture provides for human wellbeing, food security and urban resilience; and the need for integrated planning across sectors to ensure that the ecosystem services that urban agriculture provides


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NetworkNature Visualisation: EU-Funded Nature-based solutions research projects addressing Societal Challenges across Ecosystems

In this document you can find a visual representation of the different types of ecosystems and most relevant societal challenges in the context of NbS, with the aim to simplify and communicate these concepts, while inspiring NbS good practices. || The European Commission defines Nature-


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GRETA – Green Relevant Environment to All (understanding NbS)

The climate change activist Greta Thunberg is an “influencer” of the teenage generation. What aspects of her presentation “Nature Now” make her a role model of learning more about nature-based solutions (NbS)? By using their critical thinking, students are going to discover more about the


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INTERLACE report on implemented engagement programmes

The INTERLACE project has been proactive in targeting citizens as part of its objective to increase public awareness and understanding of urban ecosystem restoration and the importance of nature in cities more generally. This objective has been delivered via a Citizen Engagement Programme, which


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Urban Nature Explorer

A simulation game to address sustainability challenges through nature-based solutions.


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Integration of NBS in local governance contexts and urbanisation trajectories in CONEXUS EU and CELAC cities. Evidence from Barcelona, Buenos, Aires, Bogotá, Lisbon, Santiago, São Paulo and Turin

The present report analyses the current state of integration in Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) governance and planning processes within and across scales and dimensions of all CONEXUS cities: Barcelona, Buenos, Aires, Bogotá, Lisbon, Santiago, São Paulo, and Turin. Different levels of cooperation
