A digital archive of the INTERLACE project, which aimed to strengthen urban ecosystem restoration in the European Union and Latin America.

INTERLACE was funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 869324) and ran from 2020-2025. The project sought to empower and equip European and CELAC cities to effectively restore and rehabilitate (peri)urban ecosystems towards more liveable, resilient and inclusive cities.

The objectives of INTERLACE were to:

  • Strengthen cooperation between European and CELAC communities of practice on (peri)urban ecological restoration and rehabilitation
  • Foster participatory engagement to co-produce and promote ownership of guidelines, decision support systems and tools for the design, construction and monitoring of cost-effective restorative NBS
  • Build on existing knowledge, experiences and good practices from EU and CELAC cities on urban ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation
  • Increase the capacity of local governments to implement integrated and ecologically coherent urban planning and governance approaches responding to their needs and challenges
  • Mobilise existing European and CELAC city and regional networks to inspire and support sustained multi-directional learning and exchange on restorative NBS
  • Raise awareness and understanding of the benefits of healthy (peri)urban ecosystems for social, cultural and economic wellbeing

Public posts

INTERLACE Project Partners

INTERLACE comprised a consortium of 21 partners including city networks, research institutions, civil society organisations and communication experts with extensive practical experience and policy expertise.

Central to the project’s activities were its six city partners, representing municipalities and intermunicipal associations from across the two regions.

The project was coordinated by Ecologic Institute.