Innovating and Unlocking Finance for Nature-based Solutions

Event posted by Dorsa Sheikholeslami
Thursday, 11 May 2023 - 16:00 to 17:30 (Europe/Brussels) (Europe/Brussels)
Palais de Nations, Geneva, Switzerland and Online

The vital contribution of nature and its services to social and economic development is undeniable. It is estimated that $44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly dependent on ecosystem services, which corresponds to over half of traditional global GDP[1] .

The global recognition of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) with the adoption of the multilaterally agreed definition at the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) is now followed by the inclusion of the term in the text of four environmental conventions, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Global Biodiversity Framework. Now is the time to boost the implementation of NbS interventions at scale. Currently, approximately 133 billion dollars are channeled into NbS interventions, and investments must at least triple by 2030 to achieve land degradation neutrality, climate change and biodiversity targets[2].

NbS finance is also substantially more dependent on the public sector, unlike in climate finance where private sector investment accounts for most capital flows. At present the business model and return-on-investment for NbS is not clear, limiting interest from traditional financial institutions.  Even for ‘patient’ impact investors the return-on-investment is often not clear enough to secure investment. To generate even more financially secure NbS interventions and strategies, investors need to come to the table. Donors and development partners, such as multilateral development banks, can support NbS project preparation by providing resources and technical assistance that can transition projects into more financially secure models.

Co-organised by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Geneva Environment Network – within the context of the EU NetworkNature project – with the collaboration of the European Commission, this event will host the launch of the European Investment Bank (EIB) report “Assessment of access-to-finance conditions for innovative nature-based solutions in the European Union” followed by a discussion on the role of public and private sectors in accelerating and unlocking pathways for innovative financing NbS.