Event posted by Elena Ricci

Monday, 11 October 2021 - 0:00 to Thursday, 14 October 2021 - 0:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Join the CSR Europe for the 2021 edition of the European SDG Summit!
In the face of a climate crisis and weakened social cohesion, the European SDG Summit 2021 calls for renewed ambition, mobilisation, leadership, and collective action to build a prosperous and inclusive society while pursuing a green, and digital transition.
What can you expect?
- Action-oriented dialogues between 5000+ business leaders, industry federations, civil society, and EU policymakers.
- 4 high-level plenaries with European Commissioners and 27 SDG Roundtables to scale up collaborative action towards the SDGs.
- 500+ cross-sector, C-level speakers across Europe & beyond.
- The best digital formats for highly interactive discussions and quality networking.
- Opportunity to get to know the current and forthcoming projects of CSR Europe.