The alarming loss of biodiversity poses an imminent threat to urban environment, infrastructures, value chains, economies as well as health and well-being. Spurring the necessary transformational change globally requires immediate, bold and inspirational action on the local level. Cities and urban regions already play a key role in driving local action and are uniquely positioned to step up action and do their part in reversing biodiversity loss as demonstrated in the Edinburgh Process for Subnational and Local Governments.
The ‘Berlin Urban Nature Pact’ is an initiative by a number of cities building on and partnering with the Edinburgh Process and the Montreal Pledge for cities around the world ready to lead the transition towards implementation of bold biodiversity action by committing to and implementing a small set of highly ambitious, SMART targets within the CitiesWithNature Action Platform. It is set to be the next milestone towards the implementation of the Edinburgh Declaration, the Montreal Pledge and the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
This panel discussion will highlight the opportunities that the pact entails. It will emphasize the added value of the Berlin Urban Nature Pact initiative and how it supports the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. In doing so, it will look at the synergies of the initiative with the Edinburgh Declaration, its Plan of Action, the Montreal Pledge and with CitiesWithNature. It will then look to the future and spotlight the next steps of the initiative.
The session aims to inspire other cities around the globe to join the original group of frontrunner cities and lead on highly ambitious and highly specific biodiversity action.