Conference of URBIO - International Network Urban Biodiversity and Design

Event posted by Ciaran McNally
Monday, 28 November 2022 - 12:30 to Wednesday, 30 November 2022 - 12:30 (Europe/Brussels)

Background and main conceptual theme/ goal of this conference:

Urban environment, health and well-being of people directly depend on the activity of urban planners, architects and landscape architects. Urban ecologists, sociologists, and other scientists are researching designed and spontaneously appeared landscapes. Strengthening connections among planning and science can help in creating biodiversity-friendly, multifunctional, resilient urban green infrastructure.

The main aim of this conference is to discuss research concepts and results of practical applications in integrating biodiversity to the urban planning and design.

The objectives are:

• How can urban ecologists, sociologists, and other scientists make stronger connections to the planning of our cities and participating in architectural and landscape design process at different scales: from Master plan to a park or neighbourhood, urban forest and private garden?

• How can urban ecologists, sociologists, and other scientists be more actively involved in the inter- and transdisciplinary teams in the city’s administration and work in close connections with citizens fulfilling goals of protection and reinforcing urban biodiversity?

Dead-line for abstract submission: 15 June 2022

Abstract acceptance notification: 15 August 2022

Dead-line for registration: 15 September 2022

Registration and abstract submission are now open – please, follow this link