Event posted by S Schuchmann

Thursday, 28 October 2021 - 16:00 to 18:00 (Europe/Brussels) (Europe/Brussels)
A playful introduction to restorative nature-based solutions in Latin American and European cities
CITIES TALK NATURE offers bilingual online workshops in English and Spanish, as well as on-site events in Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Poland and Spain! The event series stimulates exchange on practical examples, provides access to new methods and approaches, and lays a foundation for green and livable cities. Register for the launch event, the online workshop A playful introduction to restorative nature-based solutions in Latin American and European cities on 28th of October at 16:00 CET here: https://bit.ly/3oGfNXD
Learn more here! https://interlace-project.eu/node/190