During the 5th NICE Cities Panel (NCP), we will host a presentation from our NICE partners involved in multi-level stakeholder engagement and participatory activities to maximize the impact and increase the full replication and up-scaling potential of Nature-based Solutions developed by NICE, assessing the question: what comes next for the mainstreaming of water treatment NbS?
- Explore examples that can inspire all of us, such as the stakeholders' workshops conducted in Lyon, to increase the uptake potential of treatment wetlands for decentralised wastewater treatment.
- Offer an overview of the work developed under other H2020 and Horizon Europe NBS projects, such as the EU-funded Horizon Europe NBS EduWORLD Project, in raising public awareness and increasing knowledge on NBS for a diversified spectrum of stakeholders: how these projects work for integrating NBS in local decision making frameworks? and what useful examples can inspire us?
ICLEI will present an overview of the workshops conducted in European cities (e.g. Offaly, Belgrade, Genova), and the development of tailored NbS learning units for educating public administration sectors and municipal technicians, making use of the Integrated Management System (IMS) of the UrbanbyNature (UbN) programme, and the in collaboration with Trinity College of Dublin (TCD).
The NICE City Panel (NCP) participants will find a space to express their thoughts on the limitations faced in the process of implementing NICE pilots in cities, such as difficulties to get construction permits and legal authorisations, lack of regulatory instruments to help include such actions or of baselines for a cost-benefit assessment, to estimate the monetary compensation (water reuse, health and water storage) from these enhanced natural treatment solutions. By the end, participants will leave the panel with new ideas on both, planning policy guidance and tailored training for the prioritisation, implementation, and, ultimately, the replication and upscaling of water treatment NbS around rural, peri-urban and urban contexts.
Read the full agenda here.
Register for the NICE Cities Panel online event here.
For more info, please contact: carme.machi-castaner@iclei.org