Financing is crucial for scaling up (NbS) nature-based solutions. One of the major challenges for financing NbS is that the benefits derived from projects are difficult to cash in. Organised by members from NetworkNature+ Taskforce 3 on financing and business models for NbS in a Nature-Positive Economy, the event will:
(1) discuss ongoing projects, such as Invest4Nature, C-FAARER, GoNaturePositive, and share emerging concepts and initial findings from the financing of coastal and marine related NbS;
(2) hold a panel dialogue with private sectors, public sectors, institutional investors, business clusters and academics to discuss the challenges and breakthroughs associated with private and blended blue financing for NbS.
Invitation letter for visa application (if applicable): "UNESCO can provide an invitation letter to those needing it to facilitate visa application processes to attend the Satellite Events and/or the Conference. Just fill this form (2024ODC_SatEvents_InvitationLetterRequests.xlsx - Google Regneark) and send it to: event@oceandecade-conference.com. Having an invitation letter issued to your attention does not grant you access to the main conference taking place at the CCIB from 10 to 12 April. To have access to the main conference you need to have registered to it, have received the confirmation that your registration has been accepted and pick up your nominative badge."
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